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Most Common Rear-End Accident Injuries

One of the most common types of car accidents is a rear-end accident.

A rear-end car accident typically occurs at stoplights, stop signs, and intersections.

Even a low-speed rear-end collision can cause injuries because of the forces involved in the accident.

Car accident injuries sustained in a motor vehicle accident can range from minor soreness to traumatic brain injuries and even death.

Whiplash and Neck Injuries

A whiplash injury is a neck, shoulder, and upper back injury caused by the head and neck being snapped forward by a sudden movement.

Even a minor accident or fender bender can cause this neck injury.

The impact of a rear-end collision can cause the soft tissues in your beck to stretch beyond their normal range of motion. This stretching can strain or tear soft tissues like your muscles and ligaments. Whiplash injuries can cause severe back and neck pain and linger for days, weeks, or longer if not treated. Severe pain can radiate through your body to your arms and legs or create numbness, weakness, or tingling.

You should never ignore these symptoms after a soft tissue injury because it's your body's way of saying something is very wrong.

Other common whiplash symptoms can include headaches, dizziness, stiffness, muscle spasms, and shoulder pain.

Back Injuries

The impact of a rear-end collision can also put enormous stress on your back and spine. The force of the collision can fracture vertebrae, compress intervertebral discs, injure a spinal disc, and strain your back muscles. Broken bones or ruptured or herniated discs can cause severe back pain. They will also pressure your spinal cord, leading to pain, weakness, numbness, or even paralysis.

Wrist and Arm Injuries

When the impact of a rear-end collision occurs, the driver probably has their hands on their steering wheel. If they see that they are about to be rear-ended, they will likely brace for impact by gripping the steering wheel even tighter.

Even the most minor rear-end collision can cause back and spinal injuries.

Bracing is most people's initial reaction, but it can cause severe injuries to one's hands, wrists, and arms.

The most common wrist and arm injuries sustained in a rear-end wreck are a broken or sprained wrist or a dislocated shoulder.

Concussions and Head Injuries

Concussions and head injuries are very common injuries resulting from rear-end collisions. You could slam your head against a headrest or a window. Or you could be hit by something in your car that the collision has turned into a projectile. These forces could cause a concussion or a traumatic brain injury from the slamming of your brain against your skull. The rapid movement and force applied to the brain cause chemical changes that damage brain cells. At one point, some thought concussions to be minor injuries. However, this is not the case. Their side effects can be severe if not treated properly.

Broken Bones and Fractured Ribs

Another common injury in a rear-end collision is a broken bone or fractured rib.

An airbag can deploy in your auto accident, punching you in the chest and potentially causing broken bones in the ribcage. Seat belts can also cause these injuries. Loose objects in your car can also collide with your body. Your limbs may also slam against your vehicle. More often than not, you will know if you have a broken leg, but it's not always apparent if a bone is fractured, especially after a traumatic accident.

If you have a non-obvious broken bone, you may experience a deep, intense ache or sharp pain. Other symptoms may include bruising, stiffness, swelling, weakness, or dizziness. You will often have trouble using the affected body part or notice the bone seems bent at an odd angle.

Diagnosis and Medical Treatment For a Rear-End Collision Injury

Everyone should seek medical attention after a rear-end crash. You may not notice an injury right away because symptoms can manifest long after the accident. But, you should still seek medical care as soon as you can.

For example, if you have a brain or spinal cord injury, you might not feel the full extent of your injury for weeks or months.

An immediate diagnosis of your injuries will help you receive the treatment you need. Accident doctors use various tools to diagnose an injury you may have suffered in a rear-end wreck. X-rays can identify fractured vertebrae and broken bones. A CT scan can help identify injuries to spinal discs and the brain. You can treat muscle strains like whiplash with anti-inflammatory medication in the short term and physical therapy to help the body heal itself.

Visit a Chiropractor

Many people's first instinct is to visit a general practitioner if injured in a car accident.

However, many doctors prescribe pain killers with adverse side effects that only mask your symptoms.

Fortunately, chiropractic care treats and heals ailments without the use of drugs.

We have a mission to connect accident victims with a professional Medical Doctor in conjunction with Chiropractic care to help them recover from their accident.

We will also refer you to an experienced personal injury attorney to help you hold the at-fault driver and their insurance companies responsible for your injuries.

We will help you throughout the entire process, so all you have to do is focus on your treatment plan and injuries without worrying about the negligent driver.

Next Steps:

If you’ve been in an automobile accident, the most crucial first step is to be evaluated by a medical professional, which includes a chiropractor. At the scene of the crash, your adrenaline is pumping, and you may not
feel any pain or discomfort right away. However, many people wake up the
next day, experiencing the full brunt of their injuries, which can last for days, weeks, or even months.

Call us today if you’ve experienced pain as a result of a crash. We would be happy to provide a full evaluation and help you take the first steps on the road to recovery. We accept all personal injury insurances, file the claims for you, and even work with your attorney (if you have one) to make sure your case is fully documented.

Many studies have also found individuals injured in MVA's prefer chiropractic care for the treatment of their injuries. One such study evaluated 190 whiplash injury victims and found those who received chiropractic care reported treatment satisfaction of 100%.

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